I. Published Research
Michael John Gorman
- Idea Colliders: The Future of Science Museums. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2020
- The Scientific Counter-Revolution: The Jesuits and the Invention of Modern Science, London: Bloomsbury, 2020 [monograph]
- Buckminster Fuller: Designing for Mobility: Milan: Skira/Rizzoli, 2005 [monograph]
Mascha Gugganig
- Gugganig, M. 2024. Fieldnotes on Agricultural Policy: In Search of the Farmer. In Wolf-Meyer, M & D. Elliott (eds.), Fieldnotes, Raw and Unedited: A Compendium. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Gugganig, M., Burch, K., Guthman, J., and K. Bronson. 2023. Contested Agri-food Futures: Introduction to the Special Issue. Agriculture and Human Values 40: 787-798.
- Burch, K., Gugganig, M., Guthman, J. et al. 2023. Cultivating intellectual community in academia: reflections from the Science and Technology Studies Food and Agriculture Network (STSFAN). Agriculture and Human Values 40: 951-959.
- Burch, K., Guthman, J., Gugganig, M. et al. 2023. Social science – STEM collaborations in agriculture, food and beyond: an STSFAN manifesto. Agriculture and Human Values 40: 939-949.
- Schneider, M., and M. Gugganig. 2021. Saving Bavarian hops in a ‘parallel universe’: lessons on the biopolitics of agricultural labour in Germany during the Corona pandemic. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 43(2): 85-95
- Gugganig, M., and N. Klimburg-Witjes. 2021. Island Imaginaries: Introduction to a Special Section. Science as Culture 30(3): 321-341
- Gugganig, M. 2021. Hawai‘i as a Laboratory Paradise: Divergent Sociotechnical Island Imaginaries. Science as Culture 30(3): 342-366
- Gugganig, M. 2017. The Ethics of Patenting and Genetically Engineering the Relative Hāloa. Special Issue ‘Nature and Ethics,’ Ethnos 82(1): 44-67
- Gugganig, M. and K. Bronson. 2022. Digital Agriculture, and the Promise of Immateriality. In D. Szanto, A. Di Battista, and I. Knezevic (eds.), Food Studies: Matter, Meaning & Movement. Rebus Press, pp. 648-664
- Gugganig, M. 2019 (reprint). The Ethics of Patenting and Genetically Engineering the Relative Hāloa. In Dow, K. & V. Boydell (eds.), Nature and ethics across geographical, rhetorical and human borders, London: Routledge, pp. n.a.
Samara Rubinstein
- 2018 Badano I, Sanabria DJ, Totaro ME, Rubinstein S, Gili JA, Liotta DJ, Picconi MA, Campos RH, Schurr TG. Mitochondrial DNA ancestry, HPV infection and the risk of cervical cancer in a multiethnic population of northeastern Argentina. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0190966.
- 2012 Dulik MC, Zhadanov SI, Osipova LP, Askapuli A, Gau L, Gokcumen O, Rubinstein S, Schurr TG. Mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome variation provides evidence for a recent common ancestry between Native Americans and Indigenous Altaians. American Journal of Human Genetics 90:1–18.
- 2012 Jonathan M. Flowers, Jeanmaire Molina, Samara Rubinstein, Pu Huang,2 Barbara A. Schaal and Michael D. Purugganan. Natural Selection in Gene-Dense Regions Shapes the Genomic Pattern of Polymorphism in Wild and Domesticated Rice. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 29(2): 675–687
- 2012 Pu Huang, Jeanmaire Molina, Jonathan M. Flowers, Samara Rubinstein, Scott A. Jackson, Michael D. Purugganan, Barbara A. Schaal Phylogeography of Asian Wild Rice, Oryza rufipogon: A Genome-Wide View. Molecular Ecology. 21, 4593–4604
- 2011 Jeanmaire Molina, Martin Sikora, Nandita Garud, Jonathan M. Flowers, Samara Rubinstein, Andy Reynolds, Michael Purugganan. Molecular Evidence for a Single Evolutionary Origin of Domesticated Rice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 10.1073
- 2011 Jeanmaire Molina, Martin Sikora, Nandita Garud, Jonathan M. Flowers, Samara Rubinstein, Andy Reynolds, Pu Huang, Scott A. Jackson, Barbara A. Schaal, Carlos D. Bustamante, Adam R. Boyko, and Michael D. Purugganan. Reply to Ge and Sang: A single origin of domesticated rice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108 (39) E756
- 2010 Kristie A. Mather, Jeanmaire Molina, Jonathan M. Flowers, Samara Rubinstein, Brad l. Rauh, Amy Lawton-Rauh, Ana l. Caicedo, Kenneth l. Mcnally and Michael D. Purugganan. Migration, Isolation and Hybridization in Island Crop Populations: The Case of Madagascar Rice. Molecular Ecology. 19, 4892–4905
- 2008 Samara Rubinstein, Matthew C. Dulik, Omer Gokcumen, Sergey Zhadanov, Ludmila Osipova, Maggie Cocca, Nishi Mehta, Marina Gubina, Olga Posukh, Theodore G. Schurr. Russian Old Believers: Genetic Consequences of Their Persecution and Exile, as Shown by Mitochondrial DNA Evidence. Human Biology, 80(3), 203-237
- 2008 Gokcumen, Omer, Dulik M, Pai A, Zhadanov S, Rubinstein S, Osipova L, Andreenkov O, Tabikhanova L, Gubina M, Labuda D, Schurr TG. Genetic Variation in the Enigmatic Altaian Kazakhs of South-Central Russia: Insights into Turkic Population History. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 136:278-293.
Thassilo Franke
- Franke T, Beenken L, Döring M, Kocyan A, Agerer R (2006) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of the Glomus-group A lineage (Glomerales; Glomeromycota) detected in myco-heterotrophic plants from tropical Africa – Mycol. Progress 5: 24 – 31
- Franke T (2004) Afrothismia saingei (Burmanniaceae), a new myco-heterotrophic plant from Cameroon. – Syst. Geogr. Pl. 74: 27 – 33
- Franke T, Sainge MN, Agerer R (2004) A new species of Afrothismia (Burmanniaceae; tribe Thismieae) from the western foothills of Mt. Cameroon. – Blumea 49 (2 & 3): 451 – 456
- Franke T (2002) The myco-heterotrophic Voyria flavescens (Gentianaceae) and its associated fungus. – Mycol. Progress 1 (4): 367 – 376
- Franke T, Beenken L, Hahn C (2000) Triuridopsis intermedia spec. nov. (Triuridaceae), a new myco-hetrotrophic plant from Bolivia. – Plant Syst. Evol. 225: 141 – 144
- Franke T (1999) Untersuchungen zur Biologie von Sciaphila purpurea BENTH. (1855) (Triuridaceae, Monocotyledoneae). Diplomarbeit, Univ München
- Horn K, Franke T, Unterseher M, Schnittler M, Beenken L (2013) Morphological and molecular analyses of fungal endophytes of achlorophyllous gametophytes of Diphasiastrum alpinum (Lycopodiaceae). Am. J. Bot. 100 (11): 2158 – 2174
- Sainge MN, Franke T (2005) A new species of Afrothismia (Burmanniaceae) from Cameroon. – Nord. J. Bot. 23: 299 – 303
- Sainge MN, Franke T, Agerer R (2005) A new species of Afrothismia (Burmanniaceae; tribe Thismieae) from Korup National Park, Cameroon. – Wildenowia 35: 287 – 291
- Tirado Herrera ER, Franke T, Knogge C, Skrabal J, Heymann EW (2003) Flower and fruit visitors of Marcgravia longifolia in Amazonian Peru. – Plant Biol. 5: 210 – 214
- Salazar GA, Franke T, Zapfack L, Beenken L (2002) A new species of Manniella (Orchidaceae, Cranichideae) from western tropical Africa, with notes on protandry in the genus. – Lindleyana 17 (4): 239 – 246
- Gerlach G, Franke T (1996) Una nueva Rusbyella (Orchidaceae) de Bolivia. – Rev. Soc. Bol. Bot. 1 (2): 20 – 24
David Prötzel
- Prötzel, D., Randriamanana, L. O., & Glaw, F. (2023). Invasive centipede (Scolopendra subspinipes) preying on a house gecko (Hemidactylus mercatorius) in eastern Madagascar. – Spixiana (45), 276.
- Glaw, F., Prötzel, D., & Randriamanana, L. O. (2022). Praying mantis (Tarachomantis confusa) preying on a Bright-Eyed Frog (Boophis luteus) in eastern Madagascar. – Spixiana (45), 20.
- Scherz, M.D., Prötzel, D., Randrianantoandro, C., Rakotomalala, D., Karsten, K.B. & Raxworthy, C.J. (2022) Chamaeleonidae, Chameleons. In: Goodman, S.M. (Ed.) The New Natural History of Madagascar. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ USA, 1506¬–1531.
- Raselimanana, A.P., Scherz, M.D., Prötzel, D. & Glaw, F. (2022) Gerrhosauridae, Plated lizards. In: Goodman, S.M. (Ed.) The New Natural History of Madagascar. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ USA, 1490–1494.
- Glaw, F., Köhler, J., Crottini, A., Gehring, P.S., Prötzel, D., Randriamanana, L., Andreone, F. & Vences, M. (2021). An additional level of cryptic diversity: a new green-coloured Malagasy treefrog of the Boophis luteus species group. – Salamandra (57), 295–308.
- Prötzel, D., Heß, M., Schwager, M., Glaw, F. & Scherz, M.D. (2021). Neon-green fluorescence in the desert gecko Pachydactylus rangei caused by iridophores. – Scientific Reports (11), 1–10. Altmetric Score Online Attention: 2720; Editor's choice: adaptation
- Glaw, F., Prötzel, D., Eckhardt, F., Raharinoro, N.A., Ravelojaona, R.N., Glaw, T., Glaw, K., Forster, J. & Vences, M. (2020).
- Rediscovery, conservation status and genetic relationships of the Malagasy chameleon Furcifer voeltzkowi. – Salamandra (56), 342–354.
- Prötzel, D., Scherz, M.D., Ratsoavina, F., Vences, M. & Glaw, F. (2020). Untangling the trees: Revision of the Calumma nasutum complex. – Vertebrate Zoology (70), 23–59.
- Prötzel, D., Lambert, S.M., Andrianasolo, G.T., Hutter, C.R., Cobb, K.A., Scherz, M.D., Glaw, F. (2018). The smallest ‘true chameleon’ from Madagascar: a new, distinctly colored species of the Calumma boettgeri complex (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae). – Zoosystematics and Evolution (94), 409–423.
- Prötzel, D., Forster, J., Krautz, T. & Glaw, F. (2018). Predator versus predator: Four-lined Snake (Elaphe quatuorlineata) feeding on a Least Weasel (Mustela nivalis) in Istria, Croatia. – Spixiana (41), 157–159.
- Sentis, M., Chang, Y., Scherz, M.D., Prötzel, D., Glaw, F. (2018). Rising from the ashes: resurrection of the Malagasy chameleons Furcifer monoceras and F. voeltzkowi (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae), based on micro-CT scans and external morphology. – Zootaxa (3), 549–566.
- Glaw, F., Scherz, M.D., Prötzel, D., Vences, M. (2018). Eye and webbing colouration as predictors of specific distinctness: a genetically-isolated new treefrog species of the Boophis albilabris group from the Masoala peninsula, northeastern Madagascar. – Salamandra (54), 163–177.
- Prötzel, D., Vences, M., Scherz, M.D., Hawlitschek, O., Ratsoavina, F. & Glaw, F. (2018). Endangered beauties: Micro-CT osteology, molecular genetics and external morphology reveal three new species of chameleons in the Calumma boettgeri complex (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae). – Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (184), 471–498. Altmetric Score Online Attention: 120.
- Prötzel, D., Heß, M., Scherz, M.D., Schwager, M., van’t Padje, A. & Glaw, F. (2018). Widespread bone-based fluorescence in chameleons. – Scientific Reports (8), 698. Altmetric Score Online Attention: 649; Journal Top 25
- Prötzel, D., Vences, M., Scherz, M.D., Vieites, D.R. & Glaw, F. (2017). Splitting and lumping: An integrative taxonomic assessment of Malagasy chameleons in the Calumma guibei complex results in the new species C. gehringi sp. nov. –Vertebrate Zoology (67), 231–249.
- Prötzel, D., Glaw K., Forster, J. & Glaw, F. (2016). Hibernation in tropical Madagascar? Unusual roosting sites of chameleons of the genus Calumma. – Spixiana (39), 272.
- Prötzel, D., Ruthensteiner, B. & Glaw, F. (2016). No longer single! Description of female Calumma vatosoa (Squamata, Chamaeleonidae) including a review of the species and its systematic position. – Zoosystematics and Evolution (92), 13–21.
- Prötzel, D., Ruthensteiner, B., Scherz, M.D., Glaw, F. (2015). Systematic revision of the Malagasy chameleons Calumma boettgeri and Calumma linotum (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae). Zootaxa (4048), 211–231.
- Glaw, F., Prötzel, D. & Jenkins, R.K.B. 2015. Calumma linotum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015, e.T75976541A75976544.
- Glaw, F., Jenkins, R.K.B., Prötzel, D. & Tolley, K. 2015. Calumma boettgeri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015, e.T176301A82125738.
II. Science Communication and Public Engagement
Mascha Gugganig
- Waller, L., and M. Gugganig. 2021. Re-visioning public engagement with emerging technology: A digital methods experiment on ʻvertical farming.’ Public Understanding of Science 30(5):588-04
- Gugganig, M. and R. Douglas-Jones. 2021. Visual Vignettes. In N. Klimburg-Witjes, N. Pöchhacker, and G.C. Bowker (eds.), Sensing In/Security: Sensors as Security Infrastructures. Manchester: Mattering Press, pp. 215-236.
- Gugganig, M. 2020b. Traveling Postcards: A Research Exhibition. American Anthropologist Multimodal Anthropology online section
- Gugganig, M., and S. Schor. 2020a. Teaching (with) Postcards: approaches in the classroom, the field, and the community. Teaching Anthropology 2(9): 56-65
- Gugganig, M., and S. Schor. 2020b. Multimodal Ethnography in/of/as Postcards. American Anthropologist 122(3): 691-697
- Schor, S. and M. Gugganig. 2020. Special Section on Multimodal Postcards. American Anthropologist Multimodal Anthropology online section (curator of special section)
Samara Rubinstein
- “Morpholution”: An Authentic Youth Science Program at the American Museum of Natural History by Dr. Samara Rubinstein: Blog post and Video
- Virtual World Institute for New York City Middle School Students: What Happened to the Neanderthals? by Dr. Samara Rubinstein: Video
Thassilo Franke
Abschlussfilm im Rahmen des „Postgraduate Diploma in Natural History Filmmaking and Communication“, University of Otago, Dunedin, Neuseeland:
- Franke T, Backlund B (2005) Exhuming Adams. – (unterstützt durch Natural History New Zealand [nhnz]). 24 min. Gewinner des International Wildlife Film Festival (IWFF) 2006 in den Kategorien “Amateur” und “Scientific Content”, Finalist in der Kategorie “Independent”, Gewinner des “BBC Newcomer Award” auf dem Wildscreen Filmfestival 2006 (
Fernsehfilme von Nautilusfilm (Buch):
- Great Smoky Mountains (NDR / ARTE / ORF / NatGeo, 2015) 52 min.
- Der Garten (NDR / ARTE 2013) 2 x 45 min.
- Das Moor (BR / ARTE 2012) 45 min.
- Wildes Bayern (BR 2012) 3 x 45 min.
- Wildes Deutschland – Die Berchtesgadener Alpen (BR / ARTE / NDR / WDR 2011) 45 min.
- Das geheimnisvolle Leben der Waldpflanzen (SWR / WDR 2011) 30 min.
- Mission Gombessa (WDR / NDR 2010) 45 min. Film über den Quastenflosser.
- Das Kornfeld – Dschungel für einen Sommer (BR / SWR / ARTE 2009) 15 / 45 min.
- Darüber hinaus Mitarbeit an zahlreichen weiteren Produktionen beteiligt.
Kinderwissenssendungen von Megaherz und Text und Bild (Mitarbeit):
- Checker Tobi: Nuss-Check, u.a. als Protagonist (KIKA 2015) 25 min.
- Checker Tobi: Mist-Check, u.a. als Protagonist (KIKA 2015) 25 min.
- Pia und das wilde Wissen: F wie Feldgrille, u.a. als Protagonist (KIKA 2020) 5 min.
- Pia und das wilde Wissen: K wie Klee, u.a. als Protagonist (KIKA 2020) 5 min.
- Pia und das wilde Wissen: S wie Sonnentau, u.a. als Protagonist (KIKA 2020) 5 min.
- Pia und die wilde Natur: Mega Matsch im Moor, u.a. als Protagonist (KIKA 2020) 25 min.
Imagefilme (Buch / Regie):
- DNA-Barcoding in Bayern (ZSM 2015) 8 min.
David Prötzel
- Prötzel, D. & Forster, J. (2022): Rezension zu Kinofilm „Willi und die Wunderkröte“. ¬– Elaphe (3/2022), 6¬–9.
- Prötzel, D. (2022). Fluoreszenz bei Amphibien und Reptilien. ¬– Reptilia (154), 14–23.
- Prötzel, D. (2022). Weitverbreitete Fluoreszenz bei Chamäleons. ¬– Reptilia. (154), 24–28.
- Prötzel, D. (2022). Neon-grüne Fluoreszenz beim Palmatogecko. ¬– Reptilia. (154), 30–34.
- Prötzel, D. (2019). Digitale Frösche im Schulunterricht. – Elaphe (3/2019), 8¬–9.
- Prötzel, D. (2018). Unter Forschern – auf der Suche nach neuen Chamäleonarten in Ost-Madagaskar. – Elaphe/Terraria (72),66–69.
- Prötzel, D. & Forster, J. 2017. Masoala – ein herpetologischer Reisebericht von den letzten Tieflandregenwäldern Madagaskars. ¬– Reptilia (127), 72–79.
- Prötzel, D. (2014). Der Palmatogecko – ein sozialer Gecko? – Reptilia (107), 4–5.
- Prötzel, D. & Forster J. 2014: Eine herpetologische Reise nach Sumatra. – Reptilia (109), 80–85.
- Prötzel, D. (2011). USA – Auf Reptiliensuche in den Nationalparks des Westens. – Terraria (32), 71–76.
- Prötzel, D. (2009). Backpacking in down under – der Reptilien wegen. – Terraria (16), 73–84.
- Prötzel, D. (2007). Haltung von Echsen im Gewächshaus. – Reptilia (63), 64–70.
Michael John Gorman
- Gorman, Michael John and Koert van Mensvoort, Next Nature, in Lipps, McQuaid, Condell, Bertrand, eds., Nature: Collaborations in Design: Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial, Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum, 2019, pp. 49-55
- Gorman, Michael John and Giovanni Aloi, Biotopia: The Future of Natural History Museums, in Antennae, #50, Remaking Nature (Spring 2020) pp. 54-63
- "The Sweet Smell of Synthetic Biology, GROW YOUR OWN… Life After Nature, at Science Gallery". In: Annick Bureaud, Roger Malina & Louise Whiteley (Eds.), META-LIFE: Biotechnologies, Synthetic Biology, A-Life and the Arts. Boston: MIT Press, 2014
- “Experiments in the Boundary Zone: The Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin.” University Museums and Collections Journal 2 (2009). 7–14.
- “Trinity says: Let’s Talk.” Nature 451 (2008). 522.
Colleen Schmitz
Ausstellungskataloge / Begleitbücher: (Mit)Herausgeberschaft
- Schmitz, C.M. & Weiss, J.E. (2016). Sprache. Ein Lesebuch von A – Z. Perspektiven aus Literatur, Forschung und Gesellschaft, Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
- Schmitz, C.M. (2013). tanz! Wie wir uns und die Welt bewegen. Berlin/Zürich: diaphanes.
- Kesner, L. & Schmitz, C.M. (2011). Obrazy mysli/Mysl v obrazech. Brno: Barrister & Principal.
- Schmitz, C.M. & Kesner, L. (2011). Images of the Mind. Bildwelten des Geistes in Kunst und Wissenschaft. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
- Larner, M., Peto, J. & Schmitz, C.M. (2009). Krieg und Medizin. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
Populäres Ausstellungsbegleitbuch für junge Erwachsene: Konzeption und Redaktion
- Grolle, J. (2008). Evolution. Wege des Lebens. München: Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag. (Taschenbuchausgabe des 2005 erschienenen Buchs Evolution. Wege des Lebens. München: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt)
Ausstellungskataloge & Begleitbücher: Aufsätze und Katalognummern
- Schmitz, C.M. & Weiss (2016). A: Ausstellung: Sprache. In Schmitz, C.M. & Weiss, J.E. Sprache. Ein Lesebuch von A – Z. Perspektiven aus Literatur, Forschung und Gesellschaft. (S. 20–23) Göttingen: Wallstein.
- Denner, C., Schmitz, C.M. & Weyrauch, C. (2013). Grenzverschiebungen. Körperbilder im Wandel. In Schmitz, C.M. (Hg.) tanz! Wie wir uns und die Welt bewegen. (S. 107–135). Berlin: diaphanes.
- Schmitz, C.M. (2012). Krieg und Medizin. Eine Ausstellung der Wellcome Collection London und des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums / Medycyna i wojna. Wystawa w Niemieckim Muzeum Hygieny, Drezno. In Caumanns, U., Dross, F. & Magowska, A. (Hg.) Medizin und Krieg
- in historischer Perspektive / Medycyna i wojna w perspektywie historycznej. (S. 451–457). Frankfurt am Main: PETER LANG Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
- Schmitz, C.M. (2011). Spiegelbilder des Inneren. Geist und Identität; Die Lokalisierung des Geistes. Das Verhältnis zwischen Leib und Seele; Geisteszustände. Repräsentationen des Mentalen. In Schmitz, C.M. & Kesner, L. (Hg.). Images of the Mind. Bildwelten des Geistes in Kunst und Wissenschaft. (S. 101–105; 125–126; 136; 141–145; 158; 161–196; 199–203; 212–213; 223; 229; 234–237; 242–244; 258). Göttingen: Wallstein.
- Schmitz, C.M. (2009). Ein Leben ohne Arme. Carl Hermann Unthan und seine Arbeit zur Motivation Kriegsinvaliden in Deutschland. In Larner, M., Peto, J. & Schmitz, C.M. (Hg.). Krieg und Medizin. (S. 60–69). Göttingen: Wallstein.
- Schmitz, C.M. (2008). Life Without Arms. Carl Hermann Unthan and His Motivational Work with Disabled Veterans in Germany. In Larner, M., Peto, J. & Monem, N. (Hg.). War and Medicine. (S. 56–65). London: Black Dog Publishing.
- Werner, S., Schmitz, C.M. & Unterberger, W. (2005). Einführung: Wie viel Evolution steckt in einer Packung Waschmittel? In Grolle, J. (Hg.) Evolution. Wege des Lebens. (S. 11–18). München: DVA.
- Schmitz, C.M. (2002). Heimliche Mitbewohner; Nackter Affe oder Krone der Schöpfung? Intelligenz-bestien; Auslaufmodell Mensch?. In Stiftung Deutsches Hygiene-Museum (Hg.) Mensch und Tier. Eine paradoxe Beziehung. (S. 104–118, 120-141, 144–153, 192–203). Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz.
IV. Press Coverage and Interviews
Mascha Gugganig
- University of Ottawa. 2021. Technological equity for small-scale farms. Gazette. November 18.
- Gugganig, M., and K. Werth. 2020. Vertical Farming is a child of the high-tech Silicon Valley world (German and English). Faszination Forschung TUM (24):88-92.
David Prötzel
Participation in documentaries/TV/radio
- Anna und die Haustiere – Gecko, ARD/ BR, 20th May 2023.
- Neon-grün leuchtende Wüstengeckos aus Namibia, München.TV, 18th January 2021.
- Leuchtende Geckos, Die Profis, Radioeins (RBB), 16th January 2021.
- Der Farbwechsel bei Chamäleons, PM Wissen, ServusTV, 16th December 2020.
- Die Kommunikation der Tiere (3/3): Geheimnisvolle Signale, 3sat, 4th November 2019; produced as: Animals Decoded, episode 3: Invisible Signals. Documentary, Smithsonian Channel USA, 2018.
- radio interview during ÖGH-conference, Ö1, 19th January 2019.
- Leuchtende Chamäleons, nano, 3sat, 6th September 2018; also shown in: Farben - Warum wir die Welt bunt sehen, Planet Wissen, BR, 20th May 2019; Die Welt ist bunt - aber ist mein Blau auch dein Blau?, W Wie Wissen, ARD, 18th August 2018.
- Glowing Chameleons, Daily Planet, Discovery Channel Canada, 21st February 2018.
- LMU snippets, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 24th January 2018.
Press Coverage
Printed issues:
- Bild der Wissenschaft, Nature, Spektrum, P.M. Magazin, Geolino, VBIO – Biologie in unserer Zeit, Scholastic – Science World (USA), How it works (USA), Science & Vie (France), Reptilia, Chamaeleo, GfBS newsletter (Cover), several newspapers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (via dpa)
- Fluorescent gecko (2021, via dpa):2021-01-12: GEO: FÜR NÄCHTLICHE WANDERUNGEN: Fluoreszierende Geckos: Forscher entdecken neuen Mechanismus
- 2021-01-12: Ein Gecko mit Neon-Optik (also under ‘Bilder der Woche’)
- 2021-01-15: Scinexx: Ein leuchtender Gecko: Der Namibgecko verblüfft durch eine neue Art der Biofluoreszenz
- 2021-01-13: BR Wissen: Wenn Geckos in UV-Licht leuchten
- 2021-01-12: Süddeutsche Zeitung: Glosse: Grünes Glimmen in der Wüste
- 2021-01-11: Zeit Online: Fluoreszierende Geckos: Forscher entdecken neuen Mechanismus
- Calumma nasutum revision (2020, via dpa):
- 2020-03-20: Three new species of chameleons emerge from centuries-old entanglement
- 2020-02-05: Der Standard: “Das” Chamäleon Calumma nasutum entpuppt sich als mehrerer Arten
- 2020-02-05: Süddeutsche Zeitung: Neue Nasen-Chamäleonarten identifiziert
- 2020-02-05: Neue Nasenchamäleons entdeckt
- 2020-04-12: Spektrum: Madagaskar: Neue, bunte und bizarre Chamäleonspezies
- Chameleon fluorescence (2018, via dpa):
- Spiegel Online: Disco-Effekt: UV-Licht lässt Chamäleons blau strahlen,
- National Geographic: Chameleon Bones Glow in the Dark, Even Through Skin
- Spektrum: EVOLUTION: Wenn das Chamäleon blau leuchtet
- Süddeutsche Zeitung: UV-Licht lässt Chamäleons in blauen Mustern strahlen
- Handelsblatt: Chamäleons im Disco-Look
- BR: Chamäleons – Leuchten und faszinieren
- Neue Züricher Zeitung: Chamäleons leuchten unter UV-Licht um die Wette
- ORF: Chamäleon: Disco-Effekt entdeckt
- Fox News: Chameleons' secret glow comes from their bones
IV. Additional Publications
Mascha Gugganig
- Gugganig, M. 2018. Analysis of outcome of the Activity, EIT FOOD Cultivating Engagement: a citizen participation forum on vertical farming. Report for EU Consortium European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).
- Nees, F., and Gugganig, M. 2018. Comparative Study: citizen participation on “high-tech food production”, EIT FOOD Cultivating Engagement: a citizen participation forum on vertical farming. Report for EU Consortium European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).
- Gugganig, M. 2020a. A schizophrenic streak. Platypys Blog, Committee for the Anthropology of
Science, Technology, and Computing, American Anthropology Association, May 12 - Gugganig, M., and N. Klimburg-Witjes. 2020. A slow conversation on COVID-19. Backchannels
Blog, Society for the Social Studies of Science, May 4 - Gugganig, M. 2011. Hidden practices: Demolished Houses and Anthropologists' Tools. Theme
Issue ‘Renovation and Restoration’ (including front cover image), Anthropology News 52(7): 11
Book Reviews
- Gugganig, M. 2020d. “Possessing Polynesians: The Science of Settler Colonial Whiteness in Hawai‘i and Oceania” by Maile Arvin. Pacific Affairs 93(4): 883-885
- Gugganig, M. 2020c. “Waves of Knowing: a seascape epistemology” by Karin A. Ingersoll. Anthropologica 62: 440-441
- Gugganig, M. 2018. “The Power of the Steel-tipped Pen: Reconstructing Native Hawaiian Intellectual History” by Noenoe K. Silva. Pacific Affairs 91(4): 868-70
- Gugganig, M. 2016. “Ancestral Places: Understanding Kanaka Geographies” by Katrina-Ann R. Kapāʻanaokalāokeola Nākoa Oliveira. Pacific Affairs 89(1): 243-5