We kindly invite you to the Hybrid Symposium of the Chair of Life Sciences in Society
June 12th, 2024, 12 - 6pm
LMU Biozentrum; Large Auditorium B00.019
Großhaderner Str. 2, 82152 Planegg-Martinsried
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 628 7287 4670
Passcode: 217168
The ethos of openness, curiosity, and critical inquiry is at the core of both scientific and artistic practices. Encounters between them, such as when scientists and artists borrow from each other’s methodological repertoire or venture into collaborations, can bring new, often surprising perspectives. As these cross-fertilizations have increasingly taken on meaning both in the arts and sciences, it is time to reflect upon expectations and insights from the most common format of public-facing events of artistic communication of science. What more is there to learn from such encounters?
The Symposium Encounters presents the many multiple facets of such collaborations between artists and scholars, and how new encounters of such sorts can inspire important discussions about science, art, and their role in society on pressing (ecological) issues of current times.
11.30 Check-in (Foyer)
12 - 12:10 Uhr: Welcome (Mascha Gugganig and Susanne Schmitt)
12:10 - 13:00 Uhr: Art, Biology and emergence of in-vitro intelligence - Guy Ben-Ary and Manuel Selg, moderated by Michael John Gorman
13:00 - 13:50 Uhr: Der Zirkus der Bäume - über die Kooperation von Wissenschaft und Theater mit Blick auf die künftige Rolle der Bäume in urbanen Räumen (in German) - Frank Raddatz and Somidh Saha, moderated by Mascha Gugganig
13:50 - 14:50 Uhr: Fingerfood (Foyer)
14:50 - 15:40 Uhr: The Mutability of Memories and Fates - Anna Dumitriu and Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla, moderated by Katrin Petroschkat
15:40 - 16:30 Uhr: Blurring the Boundaries. When Science Labs Become Art Studios and Vice Versa - Regine Rapp and Regine Hengge, moderated by Susanne Schmitt
16:30 - 16.40 Uhr Coffee break (Foyer)
16:40 - 17:30 Uhr: Keynote: Encountering Art, Science, and Technology Studies through the Politics of Knowledge - Hannah Star Rogers
17:30 - 18:00 Uhr: Foyer Reflection
Please register by June 5th, 2024 through this link or by email to
We hope to be able to welcome you in June and thank you in advance for advertising the event with your colleagues, students, and others interested in art-science collaborations!
We cordially invite you to the talk
"What's the Citizen in Citizen Science? Different Modes of Participation in Ornithological Research by Birdlife Austria"
by Ass.-Prof. Dr. Erik Aarden
on May 23rd, 2024, at noon in Room B01.019
While "Citizen science" has a long history in ornithology, the scientific quality of contributions by non-professional scientists is much-debated. In this context, there has been less attention for what citizenship means. This presentation addresses that question through an exploration of three forms of citizen science employed by BirdLife Austria. I ask how these combine different scientific objectives with distinct roles for participating citizens in knowing and caring for birds.
Dr. Erik Aarden is Assistant Professor at the Department of Science, Technology and Society Studies at the University of Klagenfurt.
The Talk will be in English, but questions can be posed in German.
We hope to be able to welcome and thank you in advance for sharing the info with your colleagues!
YDROPONDESK – Katrin Petroschkat
Have you recently walked along the second floor of the Biozentrum, and spotted an unusual desk, with plants growing out of its surface? You have found our newest art-science artifact YDROPONDESK by Katrin Petroschkat, which invites you to study next to and with plants.
Since most data filing is now done on the virtual desktop of the computer, the actual desk can become a potential usable space for urban farming. This is where the experimental design object YDROPONDESK enters the scene – a desk with an integrated hydroponic cultivation system. So far, the experimental design object has been lent to several offices, including the Fraunhofer Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO in Munich. YDROPONDESK speaks to the potential multimodal use of space, while it also documents aspects of physicality, aesthetics, interaction and care.
YDROPONDESK explores the utopia of urban self-sufficiency from a multi-perspectival view, based on everyday practices. The formulated experiences tell of a relationship between humans and their living environments, which are embedded in networks of perception and care, and so are always more than purpose-bound. What worlds can we imagine if we think of them naturally through the perception of, and care for other living beings, like plants, nutrients, and microorganisms that found a new home?
YDROPONDESK was realised within the framework of the "Science, Art and Design" network programme of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft with Werksviertel Mitte Kunst. Currently, there is one desk at the Biozentrum on the second floor (which Katrin is here showing to her colleague Susanne Schmitt) that can be used by all, and one desk in our office at B 02.003.